ONE Connectivity Experience

At Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier we offer a truly unique way to provide a superior cabin Wi-Fi experience for users and airlines. We do that by aggregating all your Wi-Fi connectivity provider services into one coherent solution, supported by the integration of our IFC functions into your app. This results in reduced complexity, streamlined operations and a uniform look and feel for passengers. You’re also able to directly offer services, increase reach and gather relevant customer insights from all sources through centralized and transparent data analytics. Enabling you to effectively find new ways to monetize your in-flight Wi-Fi service while boosting your brand recognition.

Deutsche Telekom Cabin Wi-Fi Hub

At the heart of our harmonized Wi-Fi service is our Deutsche Telekom Cabin Wi-Fi Hub – another solution that is unprecedented in the industry. Outfitted with our proprietary software, it provides state-of-the-art, software-as-a-service (SaaS) of the physical access point on every aircraft across your fleet. Connected to on- ground, centralized hosting, any modifications, launches of new features, or updates can be quickly and easily implemented, which also enables faster go-to-market. Initial installation can be swiftly performed during regular maintenance inspections, resulting in no unnecessary downtime. Our Cabin Wi-Fi Hub provides one cohesive cabin Wi-Fi solution that simplifies management and results in a harmonized user experience. All of which leads to increased PAX Net Promoter Score and new ways to uncover revenue potential.